Photography and Writing
Separate to his photography teaching work, David offers both photography and writing services to organisations, brands, news media and charities.
Events, documentary, branding, portraiture
A 1/2 day starts at £300
A full day starts at £525
These are indicative rates only. The final fee depends on the brief and includes editing, equipment, insurance and travel.
(Note that the edit process often doubles the time for the job and is included in the fee)
Copywriting, editing, research and production, project development
A 1/2 day starts at £130
A full day starts at £250
These are indicative rates only. The final fee depends on the brief and includes all ‘on costs’ except travel.
(Feature commissions are separate to this work and charged accordingly)
In all cases, cancellation fees are 50% of the above.
Late payment of invoices is charged at 10% pcm.
For multiple days, fees can be reduced, and in exceptional circumstances, can be waived.